Postmark and mail the following material
to the enclosed address by March 27, 2020

Outline of Complete application: 
1. Three (3) letters of recommendation (Guidance Counselor, Instructor and Community or Church Organization) (1 Letter from each)
2. Current official school transcript 

3. Resume: typed, double-spaced and less than two pages 

4. Essay: Should not exceed two pages Topic: Why it is important for you to continue your education 

5. High School Counselor's signature 

6. Recent passport (2x2) size photo of applicant attached to application.  Please ensure that your application is typed or neat, legible and follows the instructions. 

Selections are based on the following: 
• Academic Potential 
• Community Service 
• Leadership Ability 
• Personal Interview with the Scholarship Committee 

Please ensure that the application is attended to with the detail
instructed above. We salute you in pursuit of your educational dreams. 

The Scholarship Committee